Thursday, September 2, 2010

I have a quiet day so far today and when that happens I end up in my head with my thoughts and in my heart with my feelings.  It's a nice place to be.

What has happened to our life??  It's full of so many moving parts sometimes it's hard to keep track of them all.
We used to live a lot more simply.
We used to live on the side of a mountain in West Virginia with goats and a lamb and dogs, a huge vegetable garden, an herb garden and a compost pile that made anyone who saw it jealous.
We picked berries and made fresh jam, I would spend a week canning all the tomatoes and vegetables and we would lovingly eat them throughout the winter.
I remember walking goats up from the barn to the pen, drenched with sweat in the heat of the summer and in the winter with so many clothes on I could hardly move.
I remember mornings when the fog was so thick you couldn't even begin to cut it with a knife not to mention see 6 inches in front of your face. The air so thick you couldn't hear anything but your own thoughts.  Peace is the only way to describe it.
I remember rain for days on end and mud so thick you thought you might sink in it, but that's what mud rooms and boots are for.
I remember hiking for hours and hours on end marveling at the mini waterfalls and streams we would come across.  Floating down the Shenandoah River catching crawdads along the way and steaming them for dinner that night.  Fishing for hours and hours and coming home with a string of different fish.  Some we liked and some not so much.
I remember picking apples in the fall and making more applesauce than any of us could eat in a year simply for the joy of making it and seeing how many different tastes I could come up with.
I remember so many things,
Milking the goats
making yogurt,
Making cheese
learning to make soap
making infused Oil and vinegar
and the list goes on and on.

Don't get me wrong - I love Florida, I have loved every single moment of living here and all the people I have met.
But - -
We now have more moving parts than ever and the simplicity has gone away.  I would love to live in a town where I could walk anywhere I needed to or ride my bike.
A friend of mine said to me the other day,  "you make so many other things from scratch don't you make your own jam?"
I had forgotten I did that!  I had gotten so used to buying it at the store, never really being all that pleased with the taste or texture, I had forgotten I DO know how to make my own!

We have had goats and we have had chickens and you have never tasted an egg until you have tasted one laid by a chicken that morning.  It's almost indescribable.

I miss it. I am going to grow my own vegetables again, pick my own berries, and can any we can't eat.

I enjoy hard work and the fruits of my labor, literally.  I enjoy how my body feels after a day of work and then how it feels when you eat what you have tended and grown with your own hands and heart.

So can one find Simplicity anywhere?
Well, we will see.
until next time...

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